I'm becoming quite obsessed with Nathasja, who is looking so damn good with a big watch on! Especially the leather cuff watches looks very good on her.
So now I have a request, or a wish! I would like to see Nathasja wearing the ultimate wide leather cuff watch. You know the classic biker watch from the 70's, 2.5 inches wide and with three buckles. Not every girl can wear such a big watch but I'm sure Nathasja would pull it off!
So please mr. Watchmaster, buy something like this for Nathasja:
http://cgi.ebay.com/WATCH-2-WIDE-BLACK- ... dZViewItem
http://cgi.ebay.com/Wide-Black-Leather- ... dZViewItem
I hope the above links work, otherwise go to ebay.com and search following item numbers: 120069857740 and 220068886721