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Re: Where does this fetish come from?

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:55 pm
by jacko
Nice to hear your stories! Yes, this IS kind of an unusual fetish I guess. But to me it's no more unusual than a fetish for high heel shoes (most men love those, right?!). I look at it simply as an accessory fetish. Those are quite common.

I have no idea how or when my fetish came to life. In fact, as a child I hated wearing watches myself! I was well in my teens before I got my first watch, a Swatch, but even at that time I didn't feel any reaction to women wearing Swatch or other watches. Even to this day Swatch does nothing for me. I remember going through christmas catalogues and home-shopping/coupon catalogues noticing the watches, but when it actually became a fetish, I simply don't remember.

I do however clearly remember the first time a girl was involved. Through a friend of a friend I met this cute girl, who was wearing a Casio rubber strap diver, kinda like this one:


At that time (1990) it was an unusual watch for a girl to wear (later they became a short-lived hype, tho). Not only was she an extremely cute girl, the sporty but not boyish type, but this huge watch on her wrist made her even more interesting. I asked her why she wore a watch like that, and all she said was something like "because I like it."
We went out a couple of times (even went to see "Pretty Woman"... in the theatre! LOL!) but we never got really involved. She was definitely my kinda girl, but I guess I wasn't her type, and eventually we lost touch. She was one of the biggest crushes of my life, and I still think of her sometimes.

I guess from that experience I realized there was a connection between the girl and the watch she wore. It began to matter. Someone wrote earlier "I am on the constant lookout for woman wearing large steel watches when in public rather than looking at a girls face. First right wrist, left wrist then face." I can relate; the first thing that attract me may not always be her watch, but I definitely check. If she's wearing a watch I don't like she's not interesting to me at all!

Because of that, I have been open about my fetish with all my girlfriends, without exception. I don't necessarilly tell them it's a fetish in sexual terms, more like an "interest". For instance, I've never asked any of them to wear a watch in bed, because I don't need them to. But it matters to me what they wear, and I have succesfully turned them into wearing watches even though none of my girlfriends were really "watch persons" when I met them. They've all been great with my "interest" and loved when I gave them a new watch.

All I can say is, if you have a fetish, almost any kind except for the really creepy ones maybe, be open about it. It's worth it. Nothing worse than having a fetish you feel you can't share with your soulmate. You don't need to sit her down and come clean all at once. Comment on something you see in public or in TV; if you see a girl wearing a nice watch, say something like: "hey, that looks kinda cool, don't you think?" and see what she says. From there, it becomes easier. And hey, you're not asking them to wear latex and beat you with a rotten fish. It's just a watch.

Re: Where does this fetish come from?

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2011 1:03 am
by rightwrist
Nice to hear your story and view on this , jacko :)

I find it interesting that you as a child didn't like watches. I liked them from my childhood at a young age from what I remember. Better yet the earliest moment in my life I can recall was a watch experience.. I have no idea how old I was but I could of been 7 years or so.. But I never figured out where this fetish came from.

Re: Where does this fetish come from?

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2011 1:45 am
by jacko
No problem, "Righty" :wink:

I have several fetishes, one is hair styles (ooh, I'm such a perv!) but I don't know where that came from either.
According to the Wikipedia article on "Sexual fetishism though, we're all lost. The first line says:

"Sexual fetishism, or erotic fetishism, is a mental disorder..." :D

In my opinion, there's no logical explanation to fetishes in general. For some people, maybe, but it is my believe that most people have some kind of fetish. It is such a wide term nowadays (look at us, we get off on watches, for cryin' out loud!!!) that even the smallest things could potentially be described as a "fetish". It is NOT a "mental disorder" (unless it's an obsession which affects your psychologic state of mind - I definitely don't feel that my "fetish" control my life!)

It's an interesting topic, and interesting to discuss with others. But honestly, I don't think much about it.

EDIT: I just checked the Wikipedia article again. Since I wrote the reference above, the article has been edited. Now it says:

"A sexual fetish may be regarded as an enhancing element to a romantic/sexual relationship "achieved in ordinary ways (e.g. having the partner wear a particular garment)" or as a mental disorder/disorder of sexual preference if it causes significant psychosocial distress for the person or has detrimental effects on important areas of their life."

Seems there's hope for us yet! :D

Re: Where does this fetish come from?

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2012 8:56 pm
by BlackHouston
Hi all, this is my first post here.

I have been wondering for my entire life till now if I was the only guy in the world being obsessed by staring at wrists. I am very happy that I have found this forum and I am not the only one.

I also do not know where my fetish comes from, but I remember some incidents in my life which must have contributed to this:

When I was about 4 years old, my father and I came home from shopping and I found a bare (without wristband) man's watch on the playground. To me it was disgusting and very dirty. My father said we would take it home and he would get a wristband for it so I could wear it. This was scary for me but I did not dare to contradict to him because he was so proud of me that I had found it.

I can not remember any time in my life when a watch was just a watch. Thus I always looked at peoples wrists if they wear a watch and I tried to avoid touching it. Thus always my first glance when I looked at a girl was her wrist and somehow a nice wrist was something that could turn me on. But I hated any watch that disturbed the look of a "clean" wrist

When I was 16, I was in love with a girl in my school who was wearing a band of leather on her left wrist. This really turned me on very much, when I saw her I could not get my eyes away from it. One day, she was wearing the watch of her sister (remember, I always looked at peoples wrists, so I knew exactly who was wearing which watch). I found it disturbing first but then I also could not get my eyes away from it. I am not sure but I think that was the moment when the fetish came into my life (but my relationship to watches was disturbed before as I described above).

I am married now and my wife knows a bit about my obsession but not that much. Anyway, she is a really nice person and as she does not mind which watch she is wearing, she sticks to my wishes for most of the time - I am a lucky guy. However, she does not want me to buy her more... :-(

I am mostly aroused by square faced watches which are not too tight around the wrist. My favorite watches are Esprit LA Black and CK Dress.

Again, let me say that I like this forum very much! Please excuse my English.



Re: Where does this fetish come from?

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2012 7:44 pm
by rightwrist
Welcome BlackHouston! I'm happy you found this place and know you are not alone :)

Re: Where does this fetish come from?

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 7:31 am
by jettmanas
Hard to say how it started, but seeing the newspaper ads (before the internet) as a teen I'd notice girls sometimes modeling multiple watches and was turned on by it somehow. Everyone's brain is different...

How I wish I'd kept some of those. One ad was for the Newpark Mall in Newark, CA, USA. A girl wearing tons of watches and a nice black dress & hat. I've tried to track it down, but they have no idea, and web searches haven't either.

In high school I knew a flirty, cute girl who once borrowed watches from a a bunch of guy friends. She was wearing maybe eight watches?! I would've completely lost it if I was into "it" as I m now.

Never seem to see multis in real life. Some nice single-watch sightings, though. :)

Re: Where does this fetish come from?

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 1:18 pm
by VincentIII
Jett, I had the same interaction as well. When I was either a freshman or sophomore in HS, I had an early morning math class and there was this girl who would wear 3 or 4 watches of guys in the class. Was an amazing site and happened quite often.

Re: Where does this fetish come from?

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 4:10 pm
by jettmanas
VincentIII wrote:Jett, I had the same interaction as well. When I was either a freshman or sophomore in HS, I had an early morning math class and there was this girl who would wear 3 or 4 watches of guys in the class. Was an amazing site and happened quite often.

If only to have a girl like that as a girlfriend. :(

Edited my post so it doesn't say decades before the internet. I'm not that old.

This forum is amazing, though. I had no idea how widespread the watch-loving community was til I found this site (and he old Yahoo Groups).