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Daytona Vs Seamaster

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2007 11:04 am
by Magnum's pi
Since we've had a number of post recently, asking for people's opinions, I thought I would pose my own little dilemma, and see what you guys think.

Ok, I've had a stainless steel, white dial 2007 Daytona for a while now, which I absolutely love. This wasn't the first 'designer' watch I've had, as I started with the quartz Seamaster back in 1998, gradually moving up the Omega chronometer ranks through the years, experienced the massive weight of a Breitling Crosswind for a while, and then bought an SS Submariner in 2003. This watch lasted me three years, until I bought my Yachtmaster a year ago, damaged it (quite carelessly) and then the opportunity to buy a new Daytona came my way, earlier this year.

However, since there have been various posts regarding the Seamaster lately, I was tempted to whet my appetite by looking at the Co-Axial model, recently, and without wanting to sound too sentimental, all the memories of why I fell in love with the Seamaster in the first place, came flooding back. This then encouraged that annoying little voice in my head to remind me that, if I was to sell my Daytona, I could buy a new Omega, redecorate my home, buy loads of cool new new furniture, and still have a couple of grand left to put away until next year. And I really don't know what to do!

As said before, I really love my Daytona (as does the gf, who has her own, which I suppose, I could borrow on occasion) but hers is the black dial, which I'm not so keen on. My biggest problem is that I like the individuality of the Daytona; I have only met one other person with the watch, and his was the bi-colour. Oh, and he's a racing driver, whereas it seems every other man in the street wants to be James Bond, and buys a Seamaster. I am also aware that the price of the Daytona increases by at least 10% per year, so it may get to a point where one is actually out of my price range. I never thought I'd even consider selling my Daytona, let alone within the first year of owning it. But there are so many other things that I (and the young lady in my life) could do with the money, so I am a tad confused! Any ideas?

Daytona Vs Seamaster

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2007 7:31 pm
by Magnum's pi
Porquoi? Sorry, I've had a sense of humour bypass today, so don't quite understand your comment. And as you know, you really don't want to get me started on another war of words.............

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2007 10:06 pm
by Magnum's pi
budocanuck wrote:Why not? It is exceptionally amusing seeing you squirm and dig yourself in and out of holes in your amusingly convenient and clumsily fabricated stories. It seems that you have far too much money and innate talent to be slumming it down here with the mere Omega wearing public.

If you truly are pondering such a decision should you not be conversing with your wife, girlfriend, figment of your imagination or your financial advisor?

Go and buy your self a short pier and take a long walk, you arrogant pseudo intelligentsia equivocator.

Oh, just to qualify the gay statement, deliberating over the merits of one over another based upon colour and to deliberate about all your nice new furniture (from Ikea), well it just all lends its self to a bad sitcom sketch, thats all.
Baldie strikes again!! You do make me laugh, Corporal Clusterfuck; you take this whole forum far too seriously. Do you have issues of great insecurity which need addressing? Are you suffering from Post-Doing-Fuck-All-in a tent Syndrome? Phallus a little too small, perhaps? Or, gasp, was it shot off by an enemy sniper, so you have to resort to not only buying an Omega for yourself, but a slightly smaller version for your girlfriend? How sad. Maybe you'd like me to pass on your details to one of my psychology students, who's writing his dissertation on the origins of insecurity, and you'd be a fascinating case study, I'm sure.

So, what has led you to the conclusion that my recollections are fabricated? Katie just read your post and indeed, it made her laugh. She even began to quesytion her own existence, as you are so convincing in your arguments that one must question the validity of thier own beliefs, since you clearly know more than we do.

I also had to laugh at your claims of the 'Omega Elite'. In fact you have helped me to realise that I am quite fortunate to be one of the few people to own such a highly sought-after item, such as my Daytona. I am very lucky, considering the waiting list is in excess of 5 years, whereas you can pick up a bog standard Omega in any branch of Goldsmiths. So thank you. Knowing that both yourself, and your poor girlfriend, wear Omega is enough to convince me that my purchase of my Daytona was the right one. Cheers. Big kiss!

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2007 10:54 pm
by Ari-elf
Magnum's pi wrote:

Baldie strikes again!! You do make me laugh, Corporal Clusterfuck; you take this whole forum far too seriously. Do you have issues of great insecurity which need addressing? Are you suffering from Post-Doing-Fuck-All-in a tent Syndrome? Phallus a little too small, perhaps? Or, gasp, was it shot off by an enemy sniper, so you have to resort to not only buying an Omega for yourself, but a slightly smaller version for your girlfriend? How sad. Maybe you'd like me to pass on your details to one of my psychology students, who's writing his dissertation on the origins of insecurity, and you'd be a fascinating case study, I'm sure.

So, what has led you to the conclusion that my recollections are fabricated? Katie just read your post and indeed, it made her laugh. She even began to quesytion her own existence, as you are so convincing in your arguments that one must question the validity of thier own beliefs, since you clearly know more than we do.

I also had to laugh at your claims of the 'Omega Elite'. In fact you have helped me to realise that I am quite fortunate to be one of the few people to own such a highly sought-after item, such as my Daytona. I am very lucky, considering the waiting list is in excess of 5 years, whereas you can pick up a bog standard Omega in any branch of Goldsmiths. So thank you. Knowing that both yourself, and your poor girlfriend, wear Omega is enough to convince me that my purchase of my Daytona was the right one. Cheers. Big kiss!
I was going to stay out of this argument. I really was. However....
Do you know what either a DSO or an OSM are? Have you had the two brain cells to rub together to Google them? A DSO being a Distinguished Service Order (The UK and Commonwealth equivalent to the American Purple Heart) and the OSM is an Ordinary Service Medal, which were only introduced in 2000. Now, how many medals for bravery do you have? One? Two? Oh right, I forgot, none! How silly of me! While men like Budo were out defending this country, men like you were hiding with their tails between their legs trying not to wet themselves when your government raised your terror level yet again.

Secondly, he was not a Corporal. He actually worked for a living, and continues to do so. Unlike some people who continually feel the need to name drop in order to make themselves look more self important than they actually are.

As for the size of his penis, well..I don't want to brag, but he makes Peter Steele (from Type O Negative) look small.

And I'd rather wear a run of the mill Omega than a Daytona that has diamonds in it that were purchased on the backs of slave labor in Africa. Because, surprise surprise, there are actually those of us out there that care more about where the watches they wear come from instead of them shouting "Oh look at me and how much money I earn! " We'd rather take the excess money and put it towards a noble cause, like Oxfam, then waste it just to flaunt it to our peers to make ourselves look and feel better than we actually are.

And as for degree dropping:

Dr. Erin Cabana
Ba History, UVM. BA English, UVM. Mlitt Medieval Studies, Aberdeen University. PhD Aberdeen University. Master of Herbalism, UVM. 7th Degree Solitary Celtic Witch, Ravenblack Coven.

You've messed with the wrong witch, love.

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2007 11:17 pm
by Gee-shocked
What a load of old shit. :lol:

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2007 11:26 pm
by Gee-shocked
Just take a look above.It's a WATCH forum not a bragging contest.

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2007 11:34 pm
by Gee-shocked
Yeah I like a look at a nice G, but think you need the pictures more than me by the looks of it pal. :wink:
I'm not even going to bother to get involved in a argument with a Jock Tosser like you. :D

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2007 11:39 pm
by Gee-shocked

Daytona Vs Seamaster

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2007 2:01 am
by Magnum's pi
budocanuck wrote:Good, fuck off then you ignorant, unintelligent, under educated and xenophobic child.
You make me laugh, budo. Your issue is with me, so be an adult, and leave Gee-Shocked alone. They haven't done anything wrong, and to insult them with the terminology you've chosen to use, merely illustrates the pathetic, shallow individual that you are. Leave him alone.
So your girlfriend is a witch who alleges to have a PhD. Fair play. And of course, every witch needs a cat, which must be you. And you know he other word for's a clue; begins with p................ Meow!

And please pass on to your wonderful girlfriend, that I too, would have considered something more physical as a career. But since I was in an RTA at the age of 3, in a coma for ten days, and had to spend the next year trying to learn to walk again, to talk again, and have had to spend the last twenty six years, combating the restrictions that it has imposed. So yes, whilst you were out there, in the sandpit, sorry, trenches, I had to fight my own war, which, unfortunately, will never end.

And finally, please tell your know-it-all girlfriend that neither katie nor I would ever even consideer wearing a Daytona with diamonds. That's just bad taste. I just bought mine because I liked it. No show off factor involved, no need to cater to insecurities. Just liked it.
Oh, and as you keep referring to my journalism; take your own advice. Read the sodding posts first. I'm a psychology lecturer, first and foremost. The journalism is something I every now and then. Attention soldier!

Daytona Vs Seamaster

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2007 2:41 am
by Magnum's pi
And I'd rather wear a run of the mill Omega than a Daytona that has diamonds in it that were purchased on the backs of slave labor in Africa. Because, surprise surprise, there are actually those of us out there that care more about where the watches they wear come from instead of them shouting "Oh look at me and how much money I earn! " We'd rather take the excess money and put it towards a noble cause, like Oxfam, then waste it just to flaunt it to our peers to make ourselves look and feel better than we actually are.

And as for degree dropping:

Dr. Erin Cabana
Ba History, UVM. BA English, UVM. Mlitt Medieval Studies, Aberdeen University. PhD Aberdeen University. Master of Herbalism, UVM. 7th Degree Solitary Celtic Witch, Ravenblack Coven.

You've messed with the wrong witch, love.[/quote]

Nice tattoo, by the way, Doctor Cabana. Although your music taste needs improvement! Nine Inch Nails died with the Spice Girls.........

And where exactyly was I name dropping? It was the last debate I had with your bloke that I spoke of my encounter with Lily Allen. Keep up, love!

Daytona Vs Seamaster

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2007 9:16 am
by Magnum's pi
Just a belated P.S. for the Elf, or Erin, as she appears to be known.

Why did you do two Bachelors degrees? I am, by no means, a great academic, but even I was able to progress from a humanities BA to an MSc in psychology, without having to do a second BA.
Having looked at your page on myspace, in the same vain as your witch-like persona, it would appear that you are away with the fairies.......

And if the Anthony Kiedis wannabe in your photos on your website isn't Budo, I fear that your relationship could encounter some difficult times ahead, as you looked pretty chummy in the photo of you and 'Rob'. Shame really, you're actually quite a pretty young lady.

And at the same time, why, if you are not a fan of the Daytona, did you and Bluto e-mail me, offering to model mine?

Have a nice weekend. :-)

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2007 10:28 am
by jo18fuk
tut tut! why can't you boys just get along, its nearly christmas for gods sake! do we really need bitching and fighting all over the place? :?

Re: Daytona Vs Seamaster

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2007 3:11 pm
by Ari-elf
Magnum's pi wrote:Just a belated P.S. for the Elf, or Erin, as she appears to be known.

Why did you do two Bachelors degrees? I am, by no means, a great academic, but even I was able to progress from a humanities BA to an MSc in psychology, without having to do a second BA.
Having looked at your page on myspace, in the same vain as your witch-like persona, it would appear that you are away with the fairies.......

And if the Anthony Kiedis wannabe in your photos on your website isn't Budo, I fear that your relationship could encounter some difficult times ahead, as you looked pretty chummy in the photo of you and 'Rob'. Shame really, you're actually quite a pretty young lady.

And at the same time, why, if you are not a fan of the Daytona, did you and Bluto e-mail me, offering to model mine?

Have a nice weekend. :-)
I did a double major, love. Something that happens quite often in the US. Rob is my ex, and we ended our long term relationship when I moved to the UK for graduate work. I agree that NIN's early albums were better than there previous few, but I've enjoyed them since Pretty Hate Machine, and continue to be a loyal fan.

Oh, as for my Myspace site...I hardly ever update that. I just keep in contact with a few chums from High School on it.

I offered to model the Daytona to be nice, as no one seemed to have replied to your post yet.

As for being off with the fairies..well..I'd research the Fey were I you.

Blessed Be.


Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2007 7:33 pm
by Magnum's pi
Hmm, not much of a mathematician, are we? The cost of a Daytona today, is between £6,500 and £7,000. I know because when I bought mine, it cost me £6,599, whereas Katie's cost me a little more. I don't know how much she paid for her Yachtmaster; she bought it before we met. And how do you know that this is all we earn? You are the one who raised the money issue; I don't really give a shit about how much/little you earn. But like I said before, you have serious insecurity problems if you have to go shouting your gob off about money. We live a very comfortable lifestyle, and have never felt the need to talk about it. It's quite bad taste to do so, and it's nobody's business, least of all yours.

And as far as the Psychology is concerned, yes, I teach it to both A-Level and degree level students. That should have been fairly obvious, considering that I mentioned one of my student's proposed dissertations, in a previous post. The key word here is dissertation; something which A-level students don't do until they are in the 3rd year of University. You'd know that, if you'd been.
I also find it interesting that you believe that I have had a failed career. Hmm, so teaching young, enquiring minds, and witnessing them develop isn't a real job? Interesting viewpoint. Highly flawed, but interesting, all the same.

And yes, I did Google your fiancee, and, surprise surprise, came up with nothing. But since the pictures on her website, and those on myspace are the same, I was quite astounded to find that, gasp, they were actually the same person!!!!!!!

And as for 'getting the pads on' I seem to remember that the Bob Breen Academy was associated with kickboxing. I remember the name from when I was at University. Sadly, I am very 'old school', and don't pay much attention to inferior styles of 'martial arts'-a term I use very loosely, since it is an insult to those of us who have trained in the more traditional ways.

Hate to cut this short, but to be honest with you, I find your posts uninspiring, tediously boring, but strangely amusing. Do you have a nickname, by any chance? It wouldn't be Topper, would it? As in, anything I can do, you can top it? I'll bet that if I told you that I was an award winning writer, who had made his money early on from investments etc, and now worked because he simply enjoyed what he did, not because of the pay cheque, you'd come back at me with an even more ridiculous tale, in an attempt to make my life look positively insignificant, in comparison. Well, here's something for you to ponder; two of the three claims I've just made are true. But to be honest, I really couldn't care less whether you can distinguish fact from fiction. Any man who has to boast about the size of his salary, and gloat about his so-called knowledge of firearms, has some serious issues to contend with.

Get out of the sandpit, Private, and go and watch The A-Team.

Daytona Vs Seamaster

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 6:16 am
by Magnum's pi
Quote: I'm sorry I made the fatal flaw of flattering you, I assumed (wrongly), that as selling your Daytona was such a life changing event, that it may have cost more than a good Skiing holiday.

LMAO You have done exactly what I predicted, you silly old man! I could have bet money on the fact that you would reply with something so ridiculous that....well.....I really am lost for words!
However, I feel that I must respond because a) it gives you something to do (reading it, that is-you seem to have so much free time, God only knows what you actually do for a living) and b) I must come clean with something, which I will save for later.

Quote: If you make such a song and dance about working in the public domain, salary information on such posts is freely available to whomever seeks it.

I have never spoken at length, or felt the need to go into great detail about what I do for a living. If you recall, it was only in response to your enquiries that my vocation was discussed. So, for the last time, I'm a teacher, who, like so many others working in academia, makes a bit of extra money through writing. Pure and simple. No career playing with guns, trying to lead some kind of macho lifestyle, or seeking countless awards for what I do. Witnessing a pupil progress, and go on to follow the careers they want, and to lead the lives they want, is enough recognition for me.

Quote: In my experience of people such as yourself, sadly yes. I do hope your students get better than you have shown capable of here.

Hate to flatter your ego, Rambo, but I'm actually writing this whilst waiting for the dishwasher to finish, so not a great deal of thought needs to go into what I am writing. I put more effort into doing the ironing than I do, responding to your petty little anecdotes.

Quote: If you give me details of where best to send them I can send Katie my X-rays and a synopsis of my medical treatment, if you want some "independent" verification of the injury's I sustained.

By all means, send the X-Rays to Katie, along with a full report. Not that she's particularly interested; she says she'd rather treat people with physical injuries, as she's not a psychiatrist (which you clearly need). Send it to But remember to include who you are, so that we don't just delete it, without taking a proper look first (well, you'd made the effort to send it, so the least we could do is to look at it)

Quote: ...And Bob teaches Jeet Kune Do amongst several other Chinese and (Ph)Filipino arts. Which of the "traditional" arts are you competent in? I only ask as you have either been taught, or more likely, interpreted the system badly. Anyone who claims to be a martial artist who is as stupid and arrogant enough to be that dismissive of another art is a danger to themselves and everyone else the come into contact with.
As a practitioner of arts as diverse as Aikido (8th Dan), Jeet Kune Do, Krav Maga (Expert Grade 3) and Systema for more than 20 years I find it frankly funny that you even claim to have any training at all. Not to mention the ill effects of your accident that you have obviously struggled with for many years.

Oh, so we have yet another Bruce Lee wannabe in the making! Well, I take my hat off to you, sir, as you have certainly exceeded my experience and achievements in the martial arts. My training started at the age of 12, in Tae Kwon Do, which I did for about 18 months, and then started Wado-Ryu karate under the instruction of Sensei Roger DeVries. Again, no great historical figure, but considering that Sensei DeVries only has the use of one hand, limited leg movement, and subsequent restriction of what he can do, much like myself, I consider him to be quite inspirational. And yes, my injuries have slowed my progress slightly, but I consider my level of achievement to be something I should be proud of. (I will refrain from revealing what grade I currently hold, as you have embarrassed yourself enough through your blatant prejudice towards disabled people, through your comments, that I really don't need to give you any more rope to hang yourself with)

Ultimately, that's the difference between you and I: I really don't care what other people think of me, how they view what I have or have not achieved, academically, vocationally, or whatever. Have you never considered the possibility that, considering your eagerness to respond to my previous post with such venom, that the original post was merely bait to lure you into a situation where you got so carried away with portraying this macho image, that you let your mouth run away with you? So far, I have been able to discover (largely through you telling me) what you do for a living, your rank, how much you earn, your girlfriend's name, title, which University she is studying at/graduated from, her myspace address, as well as your (alleged) skills and experience in the martial arts (there can't be that many guys in the Army with your level of skill in Aikido, unless you are retired, which begs the question of why you are with a 28 year old woman? If this is the case, the phrase 'dirty old man' springs to mind!) Give me another 24 hours, and I'd probably be able to find out your National Insurance number, and your mother's maiden name! I'm not the first person you've been confrontational with, on the forum, so I am actually beginning to feel quite sorry for you, as you clearly have issues you need to address.

But in conclusion, I must ask whether you are familiar with the phrase, 'when you think you're fucking them, they're actually fucking you'? And you call yourself a soldier? Start looking further than what's directly under your nose. Open your eyes. You'll go further in life with that attitude. Trust me, I'm a doctor.