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The other way around?

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2012 7:23 pm
by evoviii
As much as I don't understand the appeal of women wearing men's watches, does the opposite exist of women excited by men wearing women's watches?

Re: The other way around?

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2012 8:22 pm
by rightwrist
In general. the percentage of men having a fetish is much more then woman having a fetish, like a watch fetish.
I dont have numbers but my best guess would be, if there are 250 men, 100 men could have a foot fetish, compared to 250 woman where only 10 would have this fetish. I think a watch fetish is even a lower percentage...

Re: The other way around?

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2012 7:28 am
by RedRanga
Gotta say I never considered this, but I guess its possible...I know that some women really like guys who wear a watch (normal guy's watch), but a lady's...? I've seen guys who wear women's watches, but it's VERY rare. It does nothing for me, just looks weird. To each his own... although I will admit that I used to wear my Mum's digital when I was a kid, discovering my watch fetish! Only because I would wear ANY watch I could get my hands on back then. I even wore it to school one day, but kept it hidden up my sleeve. The battery was flat, and it didn't show the time; I just loved the feel of the metal watch on my wrist!

I think the only way to get an answer is if there is a female member who can enlighten us....

Re: The other way around?

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2012 9:44 am
by CuffedKim
I don't like it, it's even not a turn on for me, when there's a men wearing a normal watch.
I'm only interested in women wearing watches and me wearing watches.

P.S.: I'm a woman ;)

Re: The other way around?

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2012 1:01 pm
by evoviii
A general look around the 'net, if it exists it must be really rare. Mostly its the guys going on about what they want. I saw some references to women who want to dress their men up as women, but not a whole lot of specifics as to how. I did come across one ref of a woman who was desperate to get her husband in high heels; so much so that she had a box with a pair of stilettos under the bed for him. She lacked the courage to ask him.

I can think of a few times where a woman had me wear her watch (one friend, a lesbian boss, and a GF) but if there was any excitement for them, they kept it to themselves. It must be rare, or at least not something women would actively pursue.

Re: The other way around?

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2012 11:12 pm
by wondering43

Re: The other way around?

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 11:05 pm
by evoviii
I was in Orlando for a week recently at some of the parks, and saw 4-5 guys wearing ladies watches. I don't know if they chose their watch or if it was provided by someone else, some were the workers in the park that looked like they were pressed into a ladies watch. Probably the most outstanding choice was the Ladies Timex Ironman, one white, one blue, and one pink:


One was the black leather Carriage Indiglo; I got a good look and recognized it; I have three myself:


One other was on the wrist of a guy, with his wife (no watch), I have seen some CD's wear this one as a favorite:


I suspect the ladies that placed these watches, if that is indeed what happened did so out of necessity than for fun.