Anyone able to identify this watch? (hard mode)

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Anyone able to identify this watch? (hard mode)

Post by marna »

One of mye old teachers used to wear this watch. Unfortunately, I only have this small picture. I don‘t think I have the guts to ask her what watch it is, as I think she might already be onto my fetish :P (and contacting her to ask about it would be creepy, I guess)


Analog watch. Probably quartz. Silicone strap, which I am pretty sure had some sort of clasp mechanism. The dial was white, matching the strap. Numeric numbers, but I don‘t remember if it had all the numbers, or just a few... The watch also came in different colors. She had the same one in blue, and one in red. It’s an older model, as she used to wear this in the early 2000s (could have been from the nighties for all I know...)

This is probably gonna be impossible for anyone to recognize. Might even have been a cheap brand from it’s time, but on the off chance somebody notice the style of the case or strap, I thought I might ask here.
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